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  • Clawgear M-LOK QD Mount Anti Rotation

    M-LOK QD Mount Anti Rotation

    CHF 29.90

    In stock

  • Clawgear Picatinny QD Mount

    Picatinny QD Mount

    CHF 44.90

    In stock

  • Clawgear M-LOK QD Mount

    M-LOK QD Mount

    CHF 29.90

    In stock

  • Clawgear Keymod QD Bracket

    Keymod QD Bracket

    CHF 26.90

    In stock

  • Clawgear AUG SOF QD Sling Mount

    AUG SOF QD Sling Mount

    Claw Gear‘s modular firearms accessories products are designed to increase weapon performance and accuracy. Due to it‘s outstanding materials construction, this rugged and high quality made item will serve you in any combat situation.A reliable and simple option to mount a sling with QD sling swivels to your AUG.Quick Detach AdapterThe universal QD adapter fits most QD Sling Swivel (Clawgear, Magpul, UTG/Leapers, CAA Tactical, Troy Industries etc.)Conical ShapeThe ergonomic shape construction prevents the user from winding up in obstacles.MaterialAll steel construction with a black surface treatment to provide durability and ruggedness over a long time.CompatibilitySteyr AUG A1/A2, AUG A3, AUG A3 SF, AUG P, AUG Z, AUG LMG variants, AUG SA variants, F88 Austeyr, MSAR STG-556.Installation: Dismount the existing rear sling swivel attachment and replace the original rear swivel stud with the long AUG SOF QD Sling Mount stud. Dismount the original front swivel stud by punching out the roll pin and install the short AUG SOF QD Sling Mount by punching the roll pin in its original position.
    CHF 44.90

    In stock